Welcome to the Severance Hospital Human research Protection Center
IRB Composition
IRB IRB Composition
- The Severance IRB is composed of eight Panel-IRBs along with the Conflict of Interest Committee(COIC).
Each Panel-IRB has the function and authority to conduct independent reviews. The IRB is divided into Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3, Panel 4,
Panel 5(medical device), Panel 6 and Panel 7(medical device), Panel 8. Each Panel-IRB is consisted of more than 11 members including a
chairperson, scientist member, non-scientist member, and at least one non-Severance member who is not affiliated with the hospital in
order to fulfill the requirements stated in the ICH/GCP Guidelines, Bioethics and Safety Act, and KGCP.
- There are also Radiation Safety Specialists and Biosafety Specialists who provide consultations for relevant research.